Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Last day...

Wow! What a great end to our trip...I will update tomorrow while we spend 12 hours on the train...
I'm sitting at the train station now at only 7:17am. We've been up since 5:30am-uggghhh!
Yesterday was our final day with the riders. We began the day watching them leave from the retreat center. Our stay there was a mixed bag with fancy dinner (lentils, tomato basil salad with fresh tomatos and basil, chicken with balsamic glaze and caramelized onions, and homemade Salted Carmel ice cream), dorm rooms, and bagels for breakfast.  Dinner was really the best part!

Our last stop with the truck was the Americana Hotel! Todd did another stellar job backing it up into the tight parking lot and unhitched the trailer. We took the excursion and went to Arby's for lunch! The boys have been watching commercials for Arby's so we splurged on fast food!!
After lunch we met up with our friend Kyle, and spent some time relaxing. Then we went to dinner with the group...

Dinner was the most amazing end to the trip.  We ate at a restaurant called the Sky Dome! It was on the 15th floor of an upscale hotel and gently rotated around to give a panoramic view of the city of DC.  It was most impressive.  The food was also fantastic! During dinner Nancy gave us a card with many thanks from the riders, and Hope expressed gratitude with a round of applause.  We are feeling well loved! This was truly an amazing experience...

Today we go home...


  1. The last part brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful adventure.

  2. The last part brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful adventure.
