Thursday, August 4, 2016

Crazy few days

Yesterday morning we crossed the Mississippi River into Wisconsin. Todd had to get up and escort the riders over the bridge at 5:45am. There was construction, and no bike lane.  Fortunately, they were able to, "take the bridge!"

We drove through more farmland (corn and soybeans!),  but a bit more hilly. The lunch spot was at a visitor center, and came upon a museum that had a star wars action figure exhibit, and Todd was psyched (the boys were too!) We also visited Sparta, the bicycle capital of the world,  and saw "Ben Bikin'."

Our group was split up into 3 seperate places for the night,  and we had no cell service and little WiFi.  The place we stayed was called The Carriage House, which was a guest house at someone's home.  It was comfortable and slept 9 of us. We had an opportunity to walk to dinner at a local bar/ restaurant.

Because the group was spilt,  we had to collect everyone's bags at each location, and drive to the lunch spot.  This created a challenge in that we did not know when riders would be arriving. We were there from 10am until 3pm. The good news is....the lunch spot was at the International Crane Foundation,  so we paid admission and saw some amazing birds!

We are all staying at the same location tonight, and lunch tomorrow is "on your own" so we won't have to set up. Despite the fact it's been a busy and long day, we are loving this! Everyday had been am adventure so far....can't update photos because of spotty service...


  1. I am loving your posts and following along. What a great trip and experience!!

  2. Thank you for sharing the sketches, for I was really interested in seeing some of them.
