Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day off

Today was a day off for us! We began the day with breakfast in a restaurant,  and then headed to Garvin Heights lookout.

We could see the Mississippi River from there as well as the whole town of Winona.  From there we headed to Bloedow bakery and enjoyed some fresh baked long John donuts.

We then went to the Minnesota Marine Art Museum. We saw the Mississippi River up close along with some barges.

The next stop was lunch at a place called Bub's Brewery (pronounced "boobs," yes boobs-hahaha).
There have been many jokes spoken by the boys and the riders.  Despite the name, there was no focus on female body parts, and boy was I glad for that! The food was delicious! With full bellies, we decided to check out the Princess Wenonah statue at Windom park.  The riders have made it a tradition to stand in the fountain and pose, so we had fun with that.  Our little comedian had other ideas,  and his dad had the camera!

As an afternoon snack we walked over to a self serve ice cream shop for a frozen treat.  Yummy!

 And,  before heading to dinner,  we stopped at a lake and played freeze tag in the water!! Great day,  great food, great people to be around :)


  1. You all look great! Seems like you are managing to get a lot of sightseeing, eating and other fun activities in at every stop along the way! Grey is the comedian for sure! Love the pictures too!!

  2. Glad to see our classroom isn't the only place Greyson uses his tremendous gift of inspiring laughter in all! I loved the donut picture. Most of my own travels have been along the east coast from Florida to Newfoundland, so when I got to fly to Minnesota, one of the first requests I made was for the car to stop so I could go down to the Mississippi River and actually touch it. I hope the boys are getting a history thrill.
