Monday, June 20, 2016


A few months ago,  we were asked to participate in a bike across America trip with Todd's co-worker and friend Nancy Wright. Nancy and her husband Ken take a group of men and women across several states on bicycles,  and they need people to drive a support vehicle and host meals. Nancy thought we would be interested in doing so, and we of course said, "yes!" We made the commitment to join the group, and have been getting pumped up as the departure date grows near!
We're looking forward to traveling with the group beginning in Brookings,  South Dakota on July 27th and heading East to Washington DC by August 24th. Our trip will begin with a flight from Connecticut and will end with a train back to VT. We'll be traveling in a Ford Excursion and trailing an Outback camper trailer (Todd has already had some driving lessons!).  We will be spending the night in the trailer on occasion,  but also sleeping in several hotels, bed and breakfasts,  and even a yurt! (Todd is excited about that!) Our responsibilities will include getting to know the group,  grocery shopping,  setting and cleaning up breakfast and lunch most days,  and occasionally cooking for the whole group. Many dinner meals will be enjoyed in restaurants :)
Stay tuned as we prepare to pack and head out...